
Image of Construction

We had a great time for our first construction club. Our challenge was to build an igloo. They all had plumbing it seems as toilets were being added! 

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Image of Hockey

Jolly hockey sticks in PE today. Lots of fun 


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Investigating thermal conductors and insulators

Image of Investigating thermal conductors and insulators

Another fun afternoon of science investigating thermal insulators and conductors. 

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Year 5 dot day 23

Image of Year 5 dot day 23

Celebrating international dot day by getting all creative. 


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Subtractive drawing

Image of Subtractive drawing

Our first lesson on subtractive drawing. 

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First PE lesson

Image of First PE lesson

Today we began to create our own competitive games 

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Materials vocabulary

Image of Materials vocabulary

We turned the classroom into a giant dictionary using words related to materials and their properties 

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Great Tower 2023

Image of Great Tower 2023

Year 4 had an amazing time at Great Tower!

We did raft building, crate stacking a sensory trail and sung songs and played games around the campfire.

The children were amazing! They looked after each other and had a tried their best with everything. 

A big thank you to Great Tower staff…

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Dinosaur Day 2023 Year 4

Image of Dinosaur Day 2023 Year 4

We all got to be palaeontologists this morning. We carefully brushed away the sand to find fossils. We also held some dinosaur poo.

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Let’s Go Fly a Kite

Image of Let’s Go Fly a Kite

Year 4 had lots of fun this afternoon testing the kites they deigned and made in design and technology.


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A new book.

Image of A new book.

We are so very lucky, the author S F Said has sent us copy of his new book Tyger and dedicated it to the children of Roose School. 

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Invertebrate Hunt 2023

Image of Invertebrate Hunt 2023

We hunted for invertebrates around the school grounds and worked out what they were using a classification key. We visited year 2s bug hotels on the field to check who had moved in.

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