Music Appreciation
This morning, Year 3 broadened our cultural horizons by listening to different styles of music and looking at artwork by Cezanne, Mondrian and Monet. Here we are rocking out to Meatloaf.
We have been dramatising poems. Which linee do you think this is?
Mr Train’s lot made tracks,
Miss Ferry’s lot sailed off,
Mr Roller’s lot got their skates on,
Mrs Street’s lot got stuck halfway across.
We have been dramatising poems. Which line is this?
Mrs Idle’s class just couldn’t be bothered,
Mrs Barrow’s class were wheeled out,
Miss Stretcher’s class were carried out
Mrs Brook’s class
ed a
We have been dramtatsing poetry. Which line is this?
Miss Rose’s class… rose,
Mr Beetles’s class… beetled off,
Miss Storm’s class thundered out,
Mrs Frisby’s class whirled across the hall.
We have been dramatising poems. Can you guess which line we are acting out?
Mrs Idle’s class just couldn’t be bothered,
Mrs Barrow’s class were wheeled out,
Miss Stretcher’s class were carried out
Mrs Brook’s class
ed a
We have been dramatising poems. Can you guess which line we are acting out?
Miss Rose’s class… rose,
Mr Beetles’s class… beetled off,
Miss Storm’s class thundered out,
Mrs Frisby’s class whirled across the hall
We have been dramatising poems. Can you guess which line we are acting out?
Miss Rose’s class… rose,
Mr Beetles’s class… beetled off,
Miss Storm’s class thundered out,
Mrs Frisby’s class whirled across the hall
Insect Week
We celebrated insect week by visiting Great Tower Scout Centre for a Minibeast and insect hunt, with a dabble of pond dipping as well. We found,amongst other bugs, a newt!
Bug Hotels
Year 3, as part of our Minibeasts topic, have created bug hotels inb the garden area.
Bright Sparks
We spent the day learning about electrical safety and creating circuits that lit up bulbs, ran motors and sounded buzzers!
Mighty Mini Mountains
We have used clay to create a small Mount Fuji. We'll let you know when we've painted them!