16 May 2014

Sizergh Barn

Year 2 had a brilliant day at Sizergh Barn.  We did a nature trail, collected eggs from the hen house and did some planting. 

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6 May 2014


Year 2 learnt some tennis skills today. We got 21 balls over the net!

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10 March 2014


Year 2 are visiting Waterstones in Barrow for a storytelling session.  We are all so excited!!!!!!

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24 January 2014

Ice balloons

Today we have watched our ice balloons to see how they have  changed.  They started off hard, cold and slippy.  The children have enjoyed looking at the patterns inside the ice balloon.  

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17 January 2014

Welly Friday

We have enjoyed working outside even in the rain!!!!!!  We have investigated materials and played lots of material games.

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9 January 2014

The Good Samaritan

This morning we have listened to the Good Samaritan story.  We have written about a time when we helped someone.  One child helped another when there was an accident.  Another child helped her cat go outside when he was stuck.

Well done Year 2!

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7 January 2014

Back to school!

Year 2 have been talking about their Christmas holidays.  We had lots of fun!  Some people went out for lunch while others played with their presents.  Mrs Bell climbed 7 mountains in the pouring rain and howling wind!!!!!!

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15 October 2013

Siddhartha and the swan

We have listened to this story and have learnt about responsibility and kindness towards animals.  

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9 October 2013

Beans poem

Beans in a hurry,

Beans in a curry

Beans in a dog.

Beans in a frog.

Beans in a rubber.

Beans in a blubber.

Beans in a Malaria.

Beans in Gran Canaria

By Year 2.



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2 October 2013


We have listened to lots of poems and have put new words in one of them.   Here is an example:

There was an old man of Spain,

Who loved to dance in the rain.

He got in a muddle,

Fell in a puddle,

And never went there again!

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2 October 2013


Year 2 have been working hard at gaining Dojo points!

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30 September 2013

Geography - our journey to school.

We have drawn our journey from home to school in pictures.   We have found out who lives the nearest and furthest away from school.   We have talked about the variety of buildings we go past.

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