Mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary in most forms of employment. It is a powerful subject and it should be fun and enjoyable for everyone. It is an essential life skill and it is for this reason that Mathematics plays a vital part of the curriculum at Roose Primary School. Mathematics provides a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It is used to communicate and analyse information and ideas to tackle a range of practical tasks and real life problems. At Roose, Maths is taught through the White Rose Maths Scheme.
We aim…
“Our aim is to develop a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress.
By building confidence, resilience and a passion for maths, we can show that whatever your prior experience or preconceptions, maths is an exciting adventure that everyone can enjoy, value and master!”
At Roose School we:
* follow a core curriculum format ensuring that every mathematical concept is introduced, reinforced, mastered, consolidated and extended through further investigation.
* understand that mathematics is an essential part of communication and to give children opportunities to describe, predict, interpret, demonstrate and explain using mathematical language and conventions.
* ensure all children experience appropriate practical and investigative problem solving activities, presented in both oral and written form.
* encourage children to learn number bonds and times tables and become confident in developing their own mental mathematics strategies
* encourage all children to have an eager and positive attitude towards mathematics and to develop their curiosity.
Nicola Hazzard
Mathematics Subject Lead
Mathematics Curriculum Information