

We are excited about the curriculum we can offer at Roose Community Primary School. At the centre of our curriculum is our school motto ‘As a Caring Community we Learn and Grow’. Our school is a full and rich community which cares greatly for each other and our local community, who are a key component in our success. Our curriculum encompasses our local community; learning about its history and taking an active part in it. We consider ourselves life-long learners who are constantly developing, growing and learning new skills and knowledge through a range of experiences. We encourage all stakeholders to hold this growth-mindset and actively encourage children and adults to strive to develop. Children learn about the wider national community of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and display British Values. We celebrate the world as our community and learn about sustainability, looking after our Earth and the people and cultures in it.

Our school values of responsibility, thankfulness, care, friendship, growth and hope underpin our Roose curriculum, giving it focus and helping us to become responsible and thoughtful citizens. They are fundamental to our curriculum and community as they were the result of the consultation of our pupils, staff, governors and families.

We value our pupils’ education and aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible to all. We make links between subjects, teaching in a cross-curricular way as much as possible, whilst still maintaining the distinct character and nature of individual subjects and disciplines.

We are dedicated to establishing a well-rounded and robust curriculum, as well as the provisions surrounding its creation. Our considered subject matter is linked to range a local visits and additional experiences/workshops which enhance learning and provide memories and links for our pupils. We provide unique challenges and the opportunity for in-depth and deeper learning through specialist interest days and events.

We aim to ensure pupils enjoy learning and feel prepared for life after school. We also intend to offer our pupils new and exciting experiences through extra-curricular activities that are designed to build resilience, confidence and self-esteem. 

We have a strong focus on well-being and provide opportunities for the children to develop a positive growth mindset. The mental health of our stakeholders is central to what we do as we all need healthy minds and hearts to learn, work well and achieve our best. We have a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant who works with groups of children to develop resilience and social skills.

You can find out more about our curriculum by looking at individual subjects through our curriculum page or by visiting our class pages.

Our Curriculum

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