Receptions flower shop in learning time

Image of Receptions flower shop in learning time

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Year 6 - Long Ago Workshop

Image of Year 6 - Long Ago Workshop

Year 6 enjoyed themselves today practising being paleontologists for the morning.  


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York Residential - Year 6

Image of York Residential - Year 6

Year 6 just before setting off on our residential to York. We were all very excited. Please click on the 'read more' section for more photos.  Thank you Year 6 for such a great time.   




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Year 6 decorating their World Cup Modroc Plates

Image of Year 6 decorating their World Cup Modroc Plates

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Monday 25th June- Year 6 Sketching and Painting

Image of Monday 25th June- Year 6 Sketching and Painting

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Year 6 Cricket Training

Image of Year 6 Cricket Training

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Fire Station 2018

Image of Fire Station 2018

Year 6 Junior Citizen Scheme

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Ice Cream Treat For Year 6.

Image of Ice Cream Treat For Year 6.

Year 6 enjoyed having an ice cream treat today to reward all their hard work during Sats this week.  Well done Year 6. 


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Royal Wedding Plate Making - Year 6

Image of Royal Wedding Plate Making - Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed decorating plates to celebrate the Royal Wedding.  A nice treat after their first Sats test.  

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Sats Yoga - Year 6

Image of Sats Yoga - Year 6

Year 6 preparing for Sats next week with Liane.  They practised different breathing techniques and concentration poses.


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Maypole Dancing Workshop

Image of Maypole Dancing Workshop

Year 6 really enjoyed dancing around the Maypole today.  

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Year 6 Playing Wheelchair Basketball

Image of Year 6 Playing Wheelchair Basketball
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