13 October 2016

3,2,1 Dunk!

We have made some world changing scientific discoveries!

Digestives are RUBBISH for dunking!

Bourbons are the best!

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5 October 2016

Chilli Chocolate Truffles

We finished making out Chill Chocolate Truffles today.

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4 October 2016

Barrow Credit Union

We thought about what we want to do when we grow up and why we might want to save money.


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19 September 2016

Swallows and Amazons Adventure

What an amazing day!

Big Thank Yous go out to...

Coniston Launch, particularly Captain Robert (our fantastic tour guide), Captain Scott (our helmsman) and First Mate Robbie;

Dan and Clive from real adventure (our canoe instructors);

Keith Myers for his fantastic ROV (ask your child…

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15 September 2016

First Aid Training

Year 5 have had First Aid Training with Phil Newton today. We have all worked hard to learn about how to help people if they are injured. We learnt how to put someone into the recovery position and joined in with a Resuscitation Relay!


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13 September 2016

Roald Dahl Day

We had a fab time on Roald Dahl Day.

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24 July 2016

Book Folding

We all completed our book folding projects, most of them are hedgehogs, some are bird cages and the one in the middle above is a seal!

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17 July 2016

Residential Videos

On the way there we sang a song...

During Team Challenge we had a disco with a difference

More to follow...

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17 July 2016


We had a great time on our residential. Everyone worked really hard and I was particularly proud of the way many people really pushed themselves!

Check out the news article for photo galleries.

Videos coming soon....

Below you can find some random pictures that don't fit into any of the…

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6 July 2016


We practiced some cricket skills

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29 June 2016

Red Belts

We are all now Karate Red Belts.

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15 June 2016

Charlotte's web

We are making spider webs out of paper plates and wool.

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