World Book Day Year 4 2023

Image of World Book Day Year 4 2023

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Image of Switches

We looked at how switches work then made our own using split pins and paper clips.


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Parachute Games

Image of Parachute Games

We played games using the parachute in PE today. Sharks and lifeguards was great fun!

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Mrs Redhead's blog

Image of Mrs Redhead's blog

Happy Valentine's Day to all our Roose Families! Love is in the air at Roose today with lots of the children being extra kind and caring to their friends to celebrate Valentine's Day! It is the final week of our value 'Care' and they have really enjoyed our interactive display this half term where…

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Flash Mob!

To celebrate Children’s Mental Health week year 4 performed a Flash Mob! The theme of Children’s Mental Health week this year is Let’s Connect so this was a fantastic opportunity for key stage 2 to connect and work together

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We are learning about odes. Enjoy our performances of an Ode to Spaghetti

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Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

Image of Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

The theme for Children’s Mental Health Week this year is Let’s Connect. We drew around our hands and decorated them with things about us. We connected them all together then worked out how we are connected to other people in our class.

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Numberday year 4 23

Image of Numberday year 4 23

We had a great morning inbuear 4. We solved maths problems to escape from a labyrinth, investigated drawing stars and looked at Fibonacci numbers!

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Certificates 27.1.23

Image of Certificates 27.1.23

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Karate 25.1.23

Image of Karate 25.1.23

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Image of Daffodils

Year 4 made daffodils with Mrs Treadwell this afternoon.

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Image of Rabbits

Four furry friends visited us this morning

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