The Great Kapok Tree Art

We were inspired by The Great Kapok Tree.


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Hockey Skills with Barrow AFC

Image of Hockey Skills with Barrow AFC

Jordan from Barrow AFC did some hockey skills with us today.

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Football Skills with Barrow AFC

Image of Football Skills with Barrow AFC

We practiced dribbling with a partner and in teams.

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Image of Rainforest

We have been doing some amazing artwork using pastels ready to create our rainforest reading area.

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Using an Atlas

Image of Using an Atlas

We learned how to use an atlas. We found Brazil in the index then used the grid references to locate the capital city, the Amazon River and Amazon Rainforest.

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Christmas Party

Image of Christmas Party

Years 3 and 4 had lots of fun at our Christmas Part this morning. We had croissants, pain au chocolate and fruit then went into the hall for dancing and games. We even had a snowball fight!

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Christmas at Kepplewray 2021

Image of Christmas at Kepplewray 2021

We had a fantastic day at Kepplewray. The weather was kind to us and we all joined in with orienteering, den building, bush craft and team challenges.



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Key stage 2 Disco

Image of Key stage 2 Disco

Lots of fun had at the Christmas disco 


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Investigating Pitch

Image of Investigating Pitch

We used boomwackers, glockenspiels and violins to investigate pitch. We discovered that the shorter the boomwacker (or note on the glockenspiel the higher the note. On the violins, the thinner the string the higher the note. Then we each made a set of panpipes using straws.

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Art Club - Georges Seurat pointillism

Image of Art Club - Georges Seurat pointillism

Art club really enjoyed finding out about Georges Seurat in our art club today They were concentrating really well and produced some great work. 

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Gardening club

Image of Gardening club

Lovely to start gardening after school again. Hopefully we will have some dry days to get outside 


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Art Club's Firework Paintings

Image of Art Club's Firework Paintings

Year 3, 4 and 5 enjoyed making firework paintings today. We were very lucky to be joined by Mrs Wright also. 

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