
Image of Storyteller

We listened to (and joined in with) some brilliant stories!

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The Gingerbread Man

Image of The Gingerbread Man

This morning we designed and built a boat to try and help the Gingerbread man get across the river without being eaten. Some of us made boats out of salt dough and some of us used foil. All of the salt dough boats sank straight away. The tin foil boats sank more slowly, one of the tin foil boats…

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Food Webs

Image of Food Webs

We looked at food webs in class today We read all about different species and habitats and worked out where they fitted into food webs.

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Image of Storyteller

We enjoyed listening to some stories and poems this morning. Jane from Cumbria Library Service visited to read to us.

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Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Image of Egyptian Hieroglyphs

We learnt about Egyptian hieroglyphs, we tried to write a massage without using any words or letters. Then we decoded a message and wrote our name in  hieroglyphs.

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Mummifying Tomatoes

Image of Mummifying Tomatoes

Today we have mummified tomatoes.

First, we washed our tomatoes, then we scooped out the insides.

We made our own natron by mixing salt and baking powder and filled the tomato with it.

We will watch them for a few weeks to see what happens.

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Guided reading and Dictionary Skills


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Violin - using the bow!

Image of Violin - using the bow!

In our violin lesson today we used the bow for the first time!

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Colour Mixing

Image of Colour Mixing

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Image of Violin

We had our violin lesson with Debby today.

We are plucking the strings at the moment but we are looking forward to using the bow. We used our pencils today to learn how to hold the bow.

I am learning alongside the children, we're really looking forward to performing for you later in the…

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Image of Doberries

We got our "doberries" set up today and used them to practise single digit addition facts.

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Year 3 Karate belt

Image of Year 3 Karate belt

Year 3 have been working hard with their Karate lessons and some have completed their grading for their first karate belt.  

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