
Image of Karate

We have started karate again with Natalie. 

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Stone Age tales

Image of Stone Age tales

We have been creating and telling Stone Age tales today. 

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The Queen’s procession.

Image of The Queen’s procession.

Year 5 sat beautifully and respectfully to watch the Queen travelling from Buckingham Palace to Westminster 

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Tribute to The Queen

Image of Tribute to The Queen

Year 5 have made commemorative bookmarks and designed hats which we are sure the Queen would have loved. 



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Properties of materials

Image of Properties of materials

Today we have been finding definitions of vocabulary for our science topic on properties of materials. Then we turned the classroom into a dictionary. 

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Day 1

Image of Day 1

We have played on the new trim trail, we’ve all read and have books sorted and are now doing challenges on xxrockstars . All before lunch time! Lovely class and a productive morning 

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Kepplewray 2022

Image of Kepplewray 2022

Years 4 and 5 had an amazing time at Kepplewray! Everyone worked hard and tried their best. Many children really challenged themselves and achieved much more than they expected to. A huge thank you to the amazing staff from school who went above and beyond to support the…

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Image of Cricket

We had a game of cricket with a difference today. 4 people batting and running at the same time. The fielders had to return the balls to Jo to stop the batters running.

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Making Circuits

Image of Making Circuits

I gave the children a selection of electrical equipment; bulbs, wires, crocodile clips and batteries. I challenged them to light up the bulb.

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Image of Cricket

Bowling Skills today. We had lots of fun trying to knock over the wickets.

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Cricket 7.6.22

Image of Cricket 7.6.22

During our cricket session with Ji today we learnt how to hold the bat properly. We took turns batting and fielding.

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Exploring Area

Image of Exploring Area

We used post it notes to explore area. Each shape has an area of 4 postitnotes.

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