Smoothie bike

Image of Smoothie bike

Today we did exercise with a difference. The children had to pedal fast enough to power a blender to make smoothies

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Robin Hamm Visit

Image of Robin Hamm Visit

Thank you so much Robin Hamm for coming in to talk to year 5 about the Christmas story. The children really enjoyed thinking about and talking about different perspectives and accounts of Christmas. 

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Re-potting plants

Image of Re-potting plants

Our spider plants have been sprouting lots of new runners so we have re-potted them and they will be coming to new homes with the children of year 5. 

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Testing magnetic force.

Image of Testing magnetic force.

Today we have been investigating magnetic force, making predictions and looking at which materials are magnetic 

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Mapping UK rivers using digimaps

Image of Mapping UK rivers using digimaps

We’ve been mapping rivers around the UK  using the digimaps programme. 

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Angles in gymnastics

Image of Angles in gymnastics

Year 5 have been using gymnastic moves to investigate angles 


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Investigating gravity 2022

Image of Investigating gravity 2022

We have been using Newton meters to investigate weight and gravitational force. 

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Supportive classmates

Image of Supportive classmates

Year 5 supporting and helping each other with understanding fractions 

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River systems 2022

Image of River systems 2022

This afternoon we have been testing out different river systems such as tributaries, delta, meanders and waterfalls. 

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Children in Need and Odd Socks

Image of Children in Need and Odd Socks

We had a dress down day (and at the first count raised £200) for Children in Need. We also wore odd socks to celebrate the fact that we’re all different and support Anti Bullying Week.

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Image of Shakespeare

Year 5 have begun work on A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 

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Geography dictionary

Image of Geography dictionary

We have been creating a geographical dictionary based on our topic of rivers. 

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