World book day 23

Image of World book day 23

What a lovely world book day. We did some shared reading, spent time rehearsing A Midsummer Night’s Dream and started reading Tyler by S F Said. 

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Coastal erosion

Image of Coastal erosion

We are learning about coastal processes and how erosion cam impact the coast. We made headlands, stacks, caves, arches and stumps and will write an explanation text about it. 

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Rehearsals day 1

Image of Rehearsals day 1

We have started rehearsals for A Midsummer Night’s dream. 

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Mrs Redhead's blog

Image of Mrs Redhead's blog

Happy Valentine's Day to all our Roose Families! Love is in the air at Roose today with lots of the children being extra kind and caring to their friends to celebrate Valentine's Day! It is the final week of our value 'Care' and they have really enjoyed our interactive display this half term where…

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Flash Mob!

To celebrate Children’s Mental Health week year 4 performed a Flash Mob! The theme of Children’s Mental Health week this year is Let’s Connect so this was a fantastic opportunity for key stage 2 to connect and work together

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Renewable energy

Image of Renewable energy

Thank you Rachel Lightbird from the Carbon Trust who came in to talk to year 5 about renewable energy. 

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Shakespeare day 1

Image of Shakespeare day 1

Today we have started putting together our Shakespeare play, working with Imogen and Rachel. It is all very exciting. 

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Number day

Image of Number day

Fun maths activities this morning for Number Day. 

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Investigating springs

Image of Investigating springs

We have been investigating the forces needed to change springs and elastic bands.

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Certificates 27.1.23

Image of Certificates 27.1.23

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Investigating Hindu gods

Image of Investigating Hindu gods

We have been investigating the Tri murti and different Hindu gods 

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Testing friction 23

Image of Testing friction 23

Today we have been investigating friction using car ramps and different surfaces. 

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