
We are learning about odes. Enjoy our performances of an Ode to Spaghetti

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Shakespeare day 1

Image of Shakespeare day 1

Today we have started putting together our Shakespeare play, working with Imogen and Rachel. It is all very exciting. 

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Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

Image of Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

The theme for Children’s Mental Health Week this year is Let’s Connect. We drew around our hands and decorated them with things about us. We connected them all together then worked out how we are connected to other people in our class.

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Image of Animation

Year 3 are enjoying creating animation in computing. 

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The Ride of Passage

Image of The Ride of Passage

Year 3 started a new unit in English this week - The Ride of Passage.  We watched the title sequence, created story boards and used paragraphs to write.

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Number Day Year 6

Image of Number Day Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed Number Day. They worked on Sudoko puzzles, brain teachers and music maths problems which really tested their skills.


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Numberday year 4 23

Image of Numberday year 4 23

We had a great morning inbuear 4. We solved maths problems to escape from a labyrinth, investigated drawing stars and looked at Fibonacci numbers!

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Reception Number Day

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Number day

Image of Number day

Fun maths activities this morning for Number Day. 

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Investigating springs

Image of Investigating springs

We have been investigating the forces needed to change springs and elastic bands.

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Certificates 27.1.23

Image of Certificates 27.1.23

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Investigating Hindu gods

Image of Investigating Hindu gods

We have been investigating the Tri murti and different Hindu gods 

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