We have been meditating today and writing our own stilling exercises
Making plastic and carbon dioxide
A thoroughly exciting afternoon of mixing milk and vinegar to make casein (an early form of plastic) and blowing up balloons by making carbon dioxide.
Year 5 and 6 Football Competition
Well done to the year 5 and 6 football team who played amazing this afternoon. Thank you Furness Academy for hosting.
Stay and read afternoon
Reception class really enjoyed a variety of our grown ups visiting for a stay and read session this afternoon. We enjoyed reading lots of different stories and heard some fantastic character voices being used. A great success and enjoyed by all.
PE years 1and 5
A brilliant afternoon with years 1 and 5 doing a joint PE lesson. It was so much fun.
Separating materials
We have been using different techniques to separate materials in science today.
York 2023-Day 3
Year 6 had a great time at the Castle Museum on the last day of their residential. They journeyed through WW1, the 60's and York prison.
Year 6 York trip-bowling
We finished day 2 with a night of bowling. Well done everyone for fantastic teamwork!
York Day 2
We have had a great second day in York. After walking around the city walls, we visited the Jorvik Centre and then spent the afternoon learning all about chocolate.
Andy Tooze Year 4
Andy Tooze inspired us to write poems about animals. The children enjoyed listening to some of his poems and were enthusiastic about writing their own