Materials vocabulary
We turned the classroom into a giant dictionary using words related to materials and their properties
CO 2026 Dinosaur Workshop
Dinosaur fun for year 3. Exploring fossils and learning
Strive for 5 winners water fight
A fun afternoon on the field followed by an ice cream treat for year 3 as a reward for winning Strive for 5.
CO 2026 water park trip
Amazing trip to Water Park for Year 3. Challenging themselves and facing their fears.
Great Tower 2023
Year 4 had an amazing time at Great Tower!
We did raft building, crate stacking a sensory trail and sung songs and played games around the campfire.
The children were amazing! They looked after each other and had a tried their best with everything.
A big thank you to Great Tower staff…
Year 6 Homework
Well done Year 6 for your amazing Viking homework. I am so impressed with your longboats, board games, helmets, jewellery designs, art work and research. A fantastic effort everyone!
Year6 Treat Morning 2023
Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their end- of-year treat to the cinema and McDonalds.
Dowdales maths competition
Some of our maths wizards have been taking part in a competition between other schools at Dowdales today.
Year 6 Cycle Wise
Year 6 have been busy perfecting their cycling skills in the playground and learning how to ride safely on the road. Well done everybody!
Dinosaur Day 2023 Year 4
We all got to be palaeontologists this morning. We carefully brushed away the sand to find fossils. We also held some dinosaur poo.
Pond dipping
A gorgeous morning of pond dipping, looking at habitats and the animals which live there.
What a fantastic morning we had at Dowdales, so many exciting things to do and such a lovely class. They are very full after the break time feast and making carrot cakes