Visit from Andy Tooze
An absolutely brilliant visit from Andy Tooze today, we listened to him reading his amazing poems and then wrote and performed our own.
We had a great time for our first construction club. Our challenge was to build an igloo. They all had plumbing it seems as toilets were being added!
A busy week for Reception
The children in Reception have had another busy week of building friendships, creating master pieces and working really hard on understanding the expectations of being at school. We have had a lovely week of continuous provision activities, outdoor learning and exploring having so much fun with…
Maths - Step 7 Flexible partition numbers to 100
The children really enjoyed maths outdoors this morning - We completed step 7 Flexible partitioning numbers to 100.
STEM Team building activity
Year 6 used their STEM knowledge and team building skills to create the tallest and strongest free-standing tower.
Reception All About Me
Reception are enjoying our All About Me topic and making new friends / settling in.
Reception PE
Reception are already getting so good at getting changed for PE and are enjoying our PE lessons
Investigating thermal conductors and insulators
Another fun afternoon of science investigating thermal insulators and conductors.
All About Water Workshop
Louise and Ros from the Lake District National Park working with United Utilities delivered a workshop about water. We learned about the natural and human water cycles and that our water is from Haweswater reservoir.
Year 5 dot day 23
Celebrating international dot day by getting all creative.