Year6 Treat Morning 2023
Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their end- of-year treat to the cinema and McDonalds.
Dowdales maths competition
Some of our maths wizards have been taking part in a competition between other schools at Dowdales today.
Year 6 Cycle Wise
Year 6 have been busy perfecting their cycling skills in the playground and learning how to ride safely on the road. Well done everybody!
Dinosaur Day 2023 Year 4
We all got to be palaeontologists this morning. We carefully brushed away the sand to find fossils. We also held some dinosaur poo.
Pond dipping
A gorgeous morning of pond dipping, looking at habitats and the animals which live there.
What a fantastic morning we had at Dowdales, so many exciting things to do and such a lovely class. They are very full after the break time feast and making carrot cakes
St Bernards
A great day at St Bernard's with lots of exciting activities.
Let’s Go Fly a Kite
Year 4 had lots of fun this afternoon testing the kites they deigned and made in design and technology.
Walney nature reserve 2023
A fabulous day at Walney Nature Reserve with a brilliant class. We didn’t spot many seals but we played in the dunes, went on a bug hunt and had a wonderful walk
Investigating the surface of Mars
Today in English we have been investigating the surface of Mars and the impact meteorites can have on the surface of a planet. Excellent science through English.
Map skills
Today we have been working on our map reading and compass skills