Year 4 soup making

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Reception enjoyed investigating ice

Image of Reception enjoyed investigating ice

Reception have enjoyed investigating ice today in our outdoor area. We discussed what ice turns into when it melts, what ice was before it turned to ice, how we get ice, what makes ice melt. We made predictions and investigated how to make ice melt quicker. We found out that ice melted quicker in…

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Reception 2024

Image of Reception 2024

Reception are settling in well to the new year. We have worked as a team to make a huge 2024 display in the playground and made calendars to take home. 

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School council

Image of School council

Introducing our school Council. Congratulations on your applications. 

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Daily Mile Champions Autumn Term

Image of Daily Mile Champions Autumn Term

Well done to the daily mile champions for the autumn term. 


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Christmas party ks1

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Year 6 DT- exploring levers, gears and pulleys

Image of Year 6 DT- exploring levers, gears and pulleys

Year 6 demonstrated superb team work skills when they explored  how gears, pulleys and levers work in mechanisms.

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Year 6 Christmas Party 2023

Image of Year 6 Christmas Party 2023

Year 6 had a fabulous final Christmas Party at Roose. Lots of dancing, eating and games were enjoyed by everyone.

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Year 5 and 6 party

Image of Year 5 and 6 party

It's Christmas party time for years 5 and 6 

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Making Christingles

Image of Making Christingles

Making Christingles ready for our service tomorrow morning 

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Year 3&4 Christmas Party

Image of Year 3&4 Christmas Party

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Panto year 5

Image of Panto year 5

Year 5 enjoyed the pantomime today 

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