National Fitness Day
Lots of fun taking part in sports activities for National Fitness Day
If someone gave you a million pounds what would you do?
As part of our RE work on Buddhism, we discussed can money make you happy. We thought about what you could do with a million pounds. What could you do to help others? What could you buy? What could you do for yourself?
Testing properties of materials
Today we have been testing different materials based on transparency, magnetism, permeability, hardness and flexibility.
Year 2 outdoor PE
Year 2 loved having outdoor PE on the field. We did a great job warming up using different ways of moving our body and then balancing on either 2 feet or all fours. We learned how to throw and catch accurately using underarm and over arm throws. Everyone worked fantastic with their partners and…
Reception Fun!
Lots of fun in Reception settling in and building relationships.
Investigating Teeth
We worked with a partner to investigate our teeth. We noted baby teeth and adult teeth and gaps. Then we colour coded our teeth to show incisors, canines, molars and premolars.
Netball session 1
A brilliant first session learning netball skills
First Violin Lesson 9.9.24
We met Debby for the first time. She taught us how to pick up our violins and pluck the strings.
Materials dictionary
Today we started our new science topic about materials and we turned the classroom into a big science dictionary.