Computer programming lesson 1
We have started a new computing topic and are exploring programming and quizzes.
WWF World Oceans Day
Year 3 enjoyed a live lesson with WWF learning about our oceans, the problems they fa e and how we can help.
Class of 2027 school trip
Year 3 enjoyed a brilliant day on Coniston Water at the adventure park canoeing, high and low ropes and orienteering.
Planets Music Workshop
We had a music workshop with Sarah this morning. We played some games, clapping out rhythms then listened to some music and drew the story of it. We learnt a song and then worked in groups to create a haka.
Year 6 Anne Frank Workshop- Day 1
Year 6 have been busy learning about equality and stereotypes during our Anne Frank workshop today.
Year 6 Leavers' Hoodies
Here are our wonderful year 6 pupils looking amazing in their leavers' hoodies.
Year 6 Tennis- lesson 1
Year 6 have been busy practising their serving skills in tennis, with out coach, Brad.