Ulverston Victoria High School transition

Image of Ulverston Victoria High School transition

A great day taking part in transition lessons at UVHS 

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Dove Cottage and The Jetty

Image of Dove Cottage and The Jetty

An amazing day with year 5. Dove Cottage, interactive art and a boat museum. A great day 

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Image of Gymnastics

Lots of fun doing gymnastics with Brad. Traveling and turning 

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Learning about video.

Image of Learning about video.

Today we started learning about video and practised talking heads, panning and zoom 

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First Shakespeare lesson

Image of First Shakespeare lesson

We have had our first Shakespeare session with Imogen. We are looking forward to getting started on rehearsals 

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Shang research

Image of Shang research

Good, old-fashioned research.....from a book! 

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Dance workshop

Image of Dance workshop

A great time for the girls at their dance workshop this morning 

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Year 5 and 6 party

Image of Year 5 and 6 party

It's Christmas party time for years 5 and 6 

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Making Christingles

Image of Making Christingles

Making Christingles ready for our service tomorrow morning 

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Panto year 5

Image of Panto year 5

Year 5 enjoyed the pantomime today 

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Visit from the Vicar

Image of Visit from the Vicar

Thank you Robin for coming in to talk to us about our RE topic of the Christmas story. Really interesting to think about different view points 

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New library books

Image of New library books

The library services have donated lots of new books to our classroom. We are having a lovely time looking at them 

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