Christmas Jumper Day
We had a brilliant day wearing our Christmas jumpers to school.
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Visit Year 1
We are grateful to ‘Green Watch’ who visited our class to help us learn more about modern day firefighting as part of our Great Fire of London topic. What a fantastic afternoon we had!
Strive for Five
Each week we have been making a huge effort to read at home at least 5 times. This week many of the year boys and girls read 7, 8 or 9 times with a grown up outside of school. We are very proud of our reading journey so far!
We LOVE reading!
Year 1 have been working hard at home to get 'Strive for Five'. Every week, during Autumn 2, over 20 boys and girls have read over 5 times at home with a parent, caregiver, grandparent or sibling.
Year 1 Recreating 'The Great Fire of London'
This week Year 1 had a brilliant time recreating the timeline of 'The Great Fire of London'. We identified key moments using different sources and the put our acting skills in to gear.
Children in Need and Odd Socks
We had a dress down day (and at the first count raised £200) for Children in Need. We also wore odd socks to celebrate the fact that we’re all different and support Anti Bullying Week.
Year 1 Roose Village Tour
We took a wet tour of Roose Village with out VIP guest Mrs Shaw. This was part of our ‘My Local Area’ topic for Geography. We are making a 3D map of North Row and can not wait to show you.
Year 1 Week 3
An action packed week for Year 1 from adjectives to human features we have had a brilliant time!