Heartwood String Quartet

Image of Heartwood String Quartet

Heartwood String Quartet visited school this afternoon. They entertained us with their music and taught us about pitch. Year 4 were invited to stand behind and look at the music notation to learn more about it

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Creating Circuits

Image of Creating Circuits

Year 4 had some wires, cells and a bulb and were challenged to light up the bulb

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KS2 disco

Image of KS2 disco

Lots of fun at the disco 

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Years 4 and 5 Skipathon

Image of Years 4 and 5 Skipathon

Lots of fun doing a Skipathon for Red Nose Day 

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Year 4 Outdoor Learning Afternoon

Image of Year 4 Outdoor Learning Afternoon

We had a great afternoon of outdoor learning on the field. Outdoor Learning provides children with a range of different experiences and opportunities out of the usual classroom environment. They worked in pairs to do a nature treasure hunt which involved lots of running and exploring. We developed…

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Magic Transporting Duck

Today in mucrobit club we magically transported a duck from one microbit to another

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Young Voices 2024

Image of Young Voices 2024

Young Voices choir 2024 at the AOArena, Manchester 

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Greek Food Tasting

Image of Greek Food Tasting

We tasted Greek foods today. We had olives

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Microbit Beating Heart

Image of Microbit Beating Heart

The boys from years 4 and 6 programmed our microbits to create a beating heart sound sensor.

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Movement Workshop with Fevered Sleep

Image of Movement Workshop with Fevered Sleep

David from Fevered Sleep came to do a movement workshop with the girls from years 4, 5 and 6 today

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Microbit Club (Rock, Paper, Scissors)

We used our BBC Microbits to code a Rock, Paper, Scissors game.

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Mixing Colours

Image of Mixing Colours

We used red, blue and yellow (primary colours) to mix secondary and then tertiary colours.

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