International time zones
We have been exploring international time zones around the world.
Making Circuits
I gave the children a selection of electrical equipment; bulbs, wires, crocodile clips and batteries. I challenged them to light up the bulb.
Pliny the Younger
Sporting some impressive beards, some of year 5 played the part of Pliny the Younger, reading his eye witness account of Mount Vesuvius destroying Pompeii.
Year 6 get their Leavers' Hoodies
Year 6 loved getting their Leavers' Hoodies today.
Science - Light
Year 3 are learning about light in science. Today we explored reflective material and mirrors. We wrote messages and copied the mirrored image. Then we looked at the reflection in the mirror to see what happened. We used mirrors held above our heads to try to walk along a wiggly line. It was…
Bowling Skills today. We had lots of fun trying to knock over the wickets.
The Tempest
Popcorn and a film……our film! We loved watching The Tempest
Cricket 7.6.22
During our cricket session with Ji today we learnt how to hold the bat properly. We took turns batting and fielding.
Year 2 - Furness Abbey
Year 2 are learning about Furness Abbey in their local history topic this half term. We loved having a visit to the Abbey, looking at the ruins, exploring in Abbots wood and enjoying a fantastic fun filled day in the sunshine! We are now very much looking forward to our history lessons!
Shakespeare workshop
We have had a great afternoon with Catherine from The Wordsworth Trust, thinking about the whole project of making the film and reflecting on the experience.
Primary Engagement Day Furness College
Year 6 had a great day today taking part in the Primary Engagement Day at Furness College. They tried lots of different activities including virtual welding, hair dressing and beauty activities, sporting activities, computing activities and had fun in the hospital bay. We even got to feel some…