Amazing First Day!
Thank you year 4, I have had an amazing first day with you all! I’m sure Mrs Neto and Mrs Ogden will agree that you are all brilliant! We had a great time this morning playing on the new equipment on the field.
Day 1
We have played on the new trim trail, we’ve all read and have books sorted and are now doing challenges on xxrockstars . All before lunch time! Lovely class and a productive morning
Year 6 Leavers' Assembly
Year 6 at their Leavers' Assembly. They did an amazing job and we will miss them. Good luck everyone at your secondary schools and we hope you all have a lovely summer.
Year 6 having fun with the parachute
Despite some more hot weather today, Year 6 had fun in the hall with the parachute. Mrs Carter enjoyed it too as it cooled her down. Lovely to see the children being able to have fun still before they leave tomorrow.
Year 6 End of Term Treat- McDonalds for Dinner
Year 6 had another leavers' treat today. They had a McDonalds for lunch. Many thanks to Mrs Biddle for collecting it and delivering it to us.
We have been learning about sexual and asexual reproduction in plants. Our two spider plants, Peachy and Percy have started producing runners so we have taken some cuttings. We are hoping for some baby plants. We have also sorted and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each type of…
Jackson Pollack art
Year 5 created some Jackson Pollack style art work.
Walney Nature Reserve
We have had an absolutely gorgeous day at Walney taking part in bug hunts, learning about sand dunes and spotting seals. Such a lovely day
York- Year 6 Residential
Year 6 had a great time on their residential in York. It was a busy few days but everyone really enjoyed it.
York- Year 6 Residential 2022
Year 6 had a brilliant time on residential in York. It was a very busy few days but everyone enjoyed it.
Water Park Coniston
Year 3 enjoyed an amazing day at Water Park Coniston. They were all amazing at taking part in all the activities which included orienteering, low ropes, Peter Pan ropes and canoeing.