Reception Settling In
Reception are settling in wonderfully and making lots of new friends!
Year 3 have been learning about what life was like for a Roman soldier in the north of England. We have learned about the tortoise manoeuvre and some simple Roman commands.
Stone Age tools
Today year 5 decided that life as a Hunter gatherer in the Mesolithic would have been much harder than as a farmer in the Neolithic…..I put that theory to the test and challenged them to make flour from oats using stone age tools.
Stone Age tales
We have been creating and telling Stone Age tales today.
Safety first
The children completed a safety walk around school looking at any potential hazards, recapping our school rules and looking carefully for all the fire exits incase they hear the fire alarm. The children were very sensible and had excellent suggestions to keep themselves safe at all times.
PSHE - How are you feeling?
The children enjoyed learning all about our SCARF scheme of work. Our first lesson was looking at feelings and how our actions can effect other peoples feelings. The children had a wonderful discussion about their emotions and we came up with the motto “It’s good to talk”.
Networks and the Internet
We learnt about networks and the internet today in computing. First we went around school and found the switch and the server. We found out that we can open the same thing on different computers in school.Then we passed messages within a group and then around the whole class, using the switch to…
The Queen’s procession.
Year 5 sat beautifully and respectfully to watch the Queen travelling from Buckingham Palace to Westminster
First Violin Lesson
We had our first violin lesson today. We learnt how to pick up the violin and which string is which. We did some keeping time games.
Tribute to The Queen
Year 5 have made commemorative bookmarks and designed hats which we are sure the Queen would have loved.
Properties of materials
Today we have been finding definitions of vocabulary for our science topic on properties of materials. Then we turned the classroom into a dictionary.