Thermal insulators 22
We have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators.
Year 1 Roose Village Tour
We took a wet tour of Roose Village with out VIP guest Mrs Shaw. This was part of our ‘My Local Area’ topic for Geography. We are making a 3D map of North Row and can not wait to show you.
Year 1 Stay and Read
Thank you to our wonderful Year 1 parents for popping by our classroom to read with us. What a fantastic morning!
Year 3 trim trail fun
Year 3 enjoyed some time on the trim trail after the daily mile this week.
Year 6 Art - Transforming 2d images into 3d objects
Year 6 have been exploring how 2D drawings can be transformed into 3D objects. They have enjoyed designing and creating animal designs and transforming them.
Year 3 music
Year 3 learning to find the pulse, sing a new song and play the xylophone. Lots to think about and lots of listening skills needed.
Wind rush
Today we have had a really interesting discussion about the Windrush generation and how people were treated when they arrived in this country. We will be writing a diary tomorrow.
Irreversible changes 2022
A thoroughly exciting afternoon of investigating irreversible changes. We made a type of plastic and mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to produce carbon dioxide and blow up balloons.