Nature club 23/2/2022

Image of Nature club 23/2/2022

Lots of fun in nature club today making seed bombs. 

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Image of Tennis

Year 3 enjoyed tennis with Gary this week. 

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Handball with Jordan

Image of Handball with Jordan

We learned how to play handball with Jordan from Barrow AFC.

The rule of three was quite tricky, you can only hold the ball for 3 seconds before passing it on and you can only take 3 steps whilst holding the ball.

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Rainforest Jars Update 2022

Image of Rainforest Jars Update 2022

We are excited that our rainforest jars have started to grow! If you look closely you should see some small plants and some condensation on the edge of the jars.

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Image of SCARF Day

Today we were invited to wear a scarf to school to celebrate Children's Mental Health Week and our PSHE scheme of work. Scarf stands for: Safety Caring, Achievement, Resilience, and Friendship

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Rainforest Jars 2022

Image of Rainforest Jars 2022

We made rainforest jars today. We put a few pebbles and some soil in a jar, watered it,  then added a few seeds and some moss. WE sealed the jars and put them on the window ledge. We hope they will start to grow over half term and we will be able to see the water cycle in action.

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Nature club 9/2/22

Image of Nature club 9/2/22

Nature club enjoying looking at different trees.

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Alphabet scavenger hunt

Image of Alphabet scavenger hunt

For mental health week we did some work outside, lots of fun running around doing an alphabetical scavenger hunt.



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Planting seeds

Image of Planting seeds

Gardening club are getting ready for Spring by planting seeds 

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Image of Collage

Year 5 have been making collage pictures in art.

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Old McDonald Violins


We learnt different bow techniques and start pitch playing animal noises for Old McDonald


Mice - playing behind the bridge

Sheep - Double Stopping (playing chords G + D together

Bees/Butterflies - String crossing at top of bow

Cows - Siren - Slide finger up G string      …

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Year 3 Children’s Mental Health Week

Image of Year 3 Children’s Mental Health Week

Today, year 3 reached for the stars and set themselves a goal around emotional growth to work towards. They also decorated their own support balloons and thought about the people and things in their lives who they turn to for support or helps them when things get tough.


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