Year 3 science investigation
Year 3 have enjoyed a science investigation about how stems transport water with Miss Halligan. We have made predictions about what will happen to the white flowers when placed in coloured water and placed in different temperatures.
Viking vocabulary
Today we have been researching Alfred the Great and King Canute ready for our biography topic next week. We also found out about the Vikings. We looked at some new vocabulary then did some map work about their journey. It’s been a busy old, historical day.
Making Myth Monsters
We worked together to create Mythical Monsters. We all drew head then folded out paper and passed it to the next person, who drew the body. We repeated this till we had done the whole monster.
Anglo Saxon and Viking artefacts
We have had a brilliant morning looking at Anglo Saxon and Viking artefacts and thinking about who used them and why.
The great year 5 chocolate chase
We went on the field to throw and chase chocolate eggs and bunnies.
Steam stories
A super exciting afternoon with Hannah from the Jetty museum. We watched a steam engine then made our own books to write steam inspired stories. These will go into an exhibition at The Jetty Museum.
Karate grading March 22
Congratulations to year 5 on their karate grading. You all did so well.