Tennis year 5

Image of Tennis year 5

That was a fun morning of learning tennis skills 


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Online Safety

Image of Online Safety

Today y 5 and 6 had a visit from our PCSO and the Child-Centred Police Team to talk about staying safe online, cyber-bullying and the use of mobile phones. 

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Digimaps 23

Image of Digimaps 23

We’ve been using digimaps to compare the climate and how it has changed since 1970 in the UK and China. 

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Making an Anglo Saxon Village

Image of Making an Anglo Saxon Village

Today we have been exploring and making an Anglo Saxon Village. 

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Rainforest Jars 2023

Image of Rainforest Jars 2023

We made rainforest jars.


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Exploring the plants around us!

Image of Exploring the plants around us!

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Dock Museum’s The Barrow Tour

Image of Dock Museum’s The Barrow Tour

Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed The Barrow Tour at the Dock Museum today. Graham was brilliant and all the children were engaged and learned something new. Everyone enjoyed time in the playground afterwards. 

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Geocentric vs heliocentric

Image of Geocentric vs heliocentric

Today we have been exploring the theories over time about the structure of our galaxy. We looked at geocentric and heliocentric theories and tried to create them. 

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Shackleton 2023

Image of Shackleton 2023

Year 6 having been learning about Ernest Shackleton and his journey on ‘The Endeavour’ to Antarctica. We have written formal letters, diary entries and fact files. 

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Using different media in art

Image of Using different media in art

Year 6 have worked hard to produce observational drawings using a range of media including pastels, charcoal, watercolours and pencil. 

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Yoga year 4

Image of Yoga year 4

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Performance photos

Image of Performance photos

Some beautiful photos from our performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Blackwell, sent by some of the staff. 


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