Year 6 Junior Citizens

Image of Year 6 Junior Citizens

Year 6 spent the morning at Barrow Fire Station where they completed their Junior Citizen training. They learnt many valuable life skills including Fire and Water safety, understanding about anti- social behaviour and illegal substances, online safety and emergency first aid. 

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Reading with nursery

Image of Reading with nursery

Year 6 spent Friday morning reading and sharing stories with our nursery children. 

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Year 6 Junior Citizens

Image of Year 6 Junior Citizens

Year 6 spent the morning at Barrow Fire Station where they completed the Junior Citizen scheme. They learnt valuable life skills covering issues about fire and water safety, illegal substances, online safety, anti-social behaviour and emergency first aid. 

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A new book.

Image of A new book.

We are so very lucky, the author S F Said has sent us copy of his new book Tyger and dedicated it to the children of Roose School. 

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Another Breakfast with Books

Image of Another Breakfast with Books

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Dissecting flowers

Image of Dissecting flowers

This afternoon we have been dissecting flowers and identifying the different parts. 

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The Bee Who Spoke

Image of The Bee Who Spoke

We have been creating observational drawings to help us write a list poem as part of our English topic .


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Coding Crazy!!!!

Image of Coding Crazy!!!!


We are using Scratch Jnr to program animations!

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Breakfast with Books

Image of Breakfast with Books

Year 1 have been having breakfast with books everyday this week! We are giving our brains some extra power! 

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Invertebrate Hunt 2023

Image of Invertebrate Hunt 2023

We hunted for invertebrates around the school grounds and worked out what they were using a classification key. We visited year 2s bug hotels on the field to check who had moved in.

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Gardening fun

Image of Gardening fun

What else to do on a really hot day but gardening and water fight. 

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Minibeast house building year 2

Image of Minibeast house building year 2

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