RE. Hinduism and reincarnation

Image of RE. Hinduism and reincarnation

We have been learning about Hindu beliefs around reincarnation and what happens to the soul. Year 5 worked on some creative pieces about what they think happens to the soul. 


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Year 6 Yoga

Image of Year 6 Yoga

Year 6 took part in some yoga team games today.  They had great fun and showed superb yoga and teamwork skills. 

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Sports Day Practice 23

Image of Sports Day Practice 23

Turns out practicing for sports day is as much fun as sports day. 

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RNCM string quartet

Image of RNCM string quartet

Year 3 loved the visit from the string quartet from the Royal National College of Music. The music was beautiful and I’m sure has inspired the children ready for their violin lessons in Year 4. 

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Anglo Saxon projects 23

Image of Anglo Saxon projects 23

Wow. These Anglo Saxon homework projects are amazing. Thank you so much for all of your hard work on these. We have enjoyed looking through them all this afternoon. 


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Translating shapes

Image of Translating shapes

Today we have been learning to translate shapes on a grid and write the coordinates. 


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Rainforest Weather 2023

Image of Rainforest Weather 2023

We wrote and then presented Rainforest weather forecasts 

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Year 6 residential, day 3

Image of Year 6 residential, day 3

An interesting day at Eden Camp Museum.

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Year 6 York residential, day 2

Image of Year 6 York residential,  day 2

A fantastic busy day 2 in York. We walked along the city walls, visited the Jorvik Centre, shopped in The Shambles, visited The York Chocolate Story, walked back along the river then went bowling. They should sleep tonight! Very proud of them all for brilliant behaviour and doing a great job of…

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Year 6 York residential, more from day 1

Image of Year 6 York residential,  more from day 1

More photos day 1 at York Minster.

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Year 6 residential to York, day 1

Image of Year 6 residential to York, day 1

Year 6 have had a great first day on their residential to York. We have visited York Minster and been to York Dungeons. They have enjoyed settling into their rooms, eating pasta and are now playing team games.




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Year 6 Rugby 2023

Image of Year 6 Rugby 2023

Well done to our Year 6 tag rugby players who took part at Craven Park today. You were all amazing! 

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