Year 3 Outdoor Learning
We had a fantastic time on the field this afternoon. The sun even came out for us! We started with a treasure hunt, finding natural objects. We then looked at some facts from our Big Blue Whale book and measured out the size of a blue whale. We imagined being a whale, under the sea, on our own,…
Shakespeare workshop
A brilliant day with Catherine and Tish from The Wordsworth Trust for our Shakespeare workshop.
Key Steps 1 Gymnastics
Well done to our Year 2 gymnasts who performed amazingly at Dowdales this morning. Well done everyone who took part and thank you to Dowdales for hosting.
World Book Day Year 2 2024
We had an amazing day in Year 2, reading and listening to our favourite books and even writing our own books to take home! We have the best authors at Roose. You all looked amazing in your costumes. We also called it Thankful Thursday as we were so thankful for all the amazing books we have to…
World book day and Shakespeare
Performing and rehearsing Shakespeare on World book day made for a very colourful and fun time
Ulverston Victoria High School transition
A great day taking part in transition lessons at UVHS
Dove Cottage and The Jetty
An amazing day with year 5. Dove Cottage, interactive art and a boat museum. A great day
Year 4 Outdoor Learning Afternoon
We had a great afternoon of outdoor learning on the field. Outdoor Learning provides children with a range of different experiences and opportunities out of the usual classroom environment. They worked in pairs to do a nature treasure hunt which involved lots of running and exploring. We developed…
Lots of fun doing gymnastics with Brad. Traveling and turning