5 April 2017

Islamic workshops

Arriving in Mecca

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5 April 2017

Islamic workshops

Preparing to make a pilgrimage

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5 April 2017

Islamic workshops

We had a really exciting time learning all about Pilgrimage and the Five Pillars of Islam with Imran.

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4 April 2017

Forest schools day 2 - lie and listen

We have been listening to the world around us. We listened to the wind as we walked across the field then lay down in a circle and listened. We talked about the noises we heard then learnt some poems in the story-telling area. We listened again on the playground and compared what we heard. We…

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3 April 2017

Forest Schools - dens and pond dipping

We had an amazing morning on the field. We made dens in groups and went pond dipping. We didn't see any frogs but we found water boatmen, midge larva, pond snails and pond skaters. Everyone stayed dry too!!! Mrs Redhead made us hot chocolates and we drank them in our dens with some fruit.…

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31 March 2017

States of matter

How to melt ice!

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31 March 2017

States of Matter

We have spent a busy morning investigating processes which can change states of matter. We have looked at boiling,melting, condensing, evaporation, condensation and freezing. 

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31 March 2017

Swallows and Amazons

A big thank you to The Arthur Ransome Society, who have given us a set of Swallows and Amazons books. Also thank you to Robert who came to present them to us.

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30 March 2017

Bible Stories Exhibition

We have visited Trinity Church Centre to view an exhibition of bible stories. Different schools around Barrow, including us, have contributed their artwork for display.

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22 March 2017

Experience Easter

We walked the 2 miles to St. Paul's church to take part in learning about the different aspects of Easter, including the Last Supper, the crucifixion and how hope can change the world.

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21 March 2017

Rocket Workshop

Fran from S.T.E.M talked to us about rockets, how to make them and improve our designs. We theen went outside and fired some using an air compressor. This rocket hit the wall of the hall from over 20m away!

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