Launching paper rockets
We had so much fun actually launching our rockets and seeing whose went the furthest. Thanks Fran from STEM
St Patrick's Day
A wonderful morning of story telling and learning all about Paddy McGee
Poetry workshop
We have had fun with a poetry workshop this afternoon
Poetry Workshop
Year 3 had David from the Wordsworth Trust come in and work with us on some poetry. David used different pieces of art to inspire our poems.
Guide Dog
We all fell in love with Smudge the Guide Dog when he came to visit us today
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?
We had a fantastic time in our Romeo and Juliet workshop yesterday.
We are going to study and then perform the play after Easter.
Mother's Day singing
Kirsten has written a Mother's Day song exclusively for Roose School. She came in to teach us it and we hope to sing it in a couple of weeks time for our Mother's Day Assembly.
Women's Day 2017
Cumbria Fire Rescue came to Roose as part of International Women's Day to talk about women in the workplace. We also had doctors and paramedics also came to talk to us about how and why they chose their profession.
Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day! We have been learning all about the Suffrage Movement and talking to firefighters and paramedics. A really interesting day for all of us in year 4 with some great discussion.
PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be on 7th March, Please come along and join us.
We will be discussing the new fundrasing goals for the new year and deciding what new activites and events we can plan for the children.
We are always happy to see new faces, if you have small children they areā¦