Singing Games

Image of Singing Games

In Music, we are looking at different singing games and songs that get longer and have more things added each time. Here we are singing 'I am the Music Man' and playing trombones

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Awesome Socks

Image of Awesome Socks

Year 4 are awesome and we all have awesome socks!

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Varjak Paw

Image of Varjak Paw

We have started to read Varjak Paw and we decided to look at the different characters at the beginning of the book. We realised there are a range of emotions from the characters and tried to show them.

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Year 6 Decorated Eggs

Image of Year 6 Decorated Eggs

Several Year 6 pupils decorated hard boiled eggs for their last egg competition at Roose School. 

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Forensic Science workshops

Image of Forensic Science workshops

Year 6 really enjoyed being criminal investegators for the afternoon. We collected evidence in order to solve a crime. It was great fun!

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Tesco metro Visits Roose

Image of Tesco metro Visits Roose

Year 6 learning about hte meaning of east and decorating easter eggs.

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Year 6 yoga With Yo Kids

Image of Year 6 yoga With Yo Kids

Year 6 relaxing and chilling out after working extremely hard.

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Hats and Eggs

Image of Hats and Eggs

Well done Year 5!

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Hats and Eggs

Image of Hats and Eggs

Well done Year 4. Fantastic hats and eggs!

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Eggs and Hats

Image of Eggs and Hats

Great hats and eggs Year 3.

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Eggs and Hats

Image of Eggs and Hats

Well done Year 2.

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Eggs and Hats

Image of Eggs and Hats

Fantastic Year 1!

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