Red Belts

Image of Red Belts

We are all now Karate Red Belts.

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Year 1 visit to Leighton Hall

Image of Year 1 visit to Leighton Hall

Meeting the baby falcon chicks at Leighton Hall.

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London Residential

Image of London Residential

Year 6 in London at the Science Museum after they have just arrived.  

Have a look at what we did in london. All of year 6 had lots of fun!

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Furness Academy Olympics

Image of Furness Academy Olympics

We had a wonderful day on Friday at Furness Academy Olympics



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Ice Cream Monster

Image of Ice Cream Monster

Year 6 (and some of the staff) enjoyed ice creams this afternoon.

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Furness Academy

Image of Furness Academy

We had a brilliant day yesterday at Furness Academy, we learned Portugese, made noisy fans, painted posters and talked all about the values of the Olympics. We are looking forward to the sports morning on Friday. 

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Image of Ambleside

Enjoying our lunch at Zeffirellis before the second half of Hamlet

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We have had the 'best time ever' watching a fantastic performance of Hamlet at Zeffirellis in Ambleside. 

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Chef visit

Image of Chef visit

We enjoyed making shepherd's pie with chef James Holden.

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Fellwalking and farm visit

Image of Fellwalking and farm visit

Last week we had a brilliant time in the Lake District. We visited Cathedral quarry, Yew Tree Farm and climbed a mountain.

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Year 4 at Coffee morning

Image of Year 4 at Coffee morning

Year 4 helped out at coffee morning today.

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Charlotte's web

Image of Charlotte's web

We are making spider webs out of paper plates and wool.

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