Prejudice and racism workshop
A really interesting workshop from the Anne Frank Trust thinking about racism and prejudice. Year 5 had lots of great ideas and contributed really well.
Levers and pulleys
Using gears, levers and pulleys to make a machine to lift a car
St Bernard's
We had a great time at St Bernard's today and did lots of lovely activities
Reading Buddies
Reception and Year 5 enjoying reading time this morning.
Clay pots
It was like an upper body workout today rolling out this clay! Our pots are looking amazing though.
Year 5 had a brilliant morning at Dowdales school making carrot cupcakes and swizzle stick
3D art adding colours
We have been adding analogous colours to our bowls
Creating the solar system
Today we have been learning about the solar system and created our own.
Paper mache session 1
We have begun work on our paper mache masterpieces using an armature to give the shape.
Computer programming lesson 1
We have started a new computing topic and are exploring programming and quizzes.