Year 1 and Year 4 shared reading

Image of Year 1 and Year 4 shared reading

Year 1 and Year 4 shared books for world book day.  We do love our shared reading.

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Paired Reading with Year 2

Image of Paired Reading with Year 2

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Paired reading with Year 1

Image of Paired reading with Year 1

We had a lovely morning reading with year 1 

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Year 4 having Year 1's reports read to them

Image of Year 4 having Year 1's reports read to them

Year 4 had a very excited Year 1 class read their reports on The Great Fire of London to them.  Year 4 were very impressed.

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Paired Reading with Nursery

Image of Paired Reading with Nursery

We enjoyed sharing books with Nursery this morning.

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Year 1 paired read with Year 5 2019

Image of Year 1 paired read with Year 5 2019

Year 1 had lots of fun shared reading to Year 5.  We heard Year 5 read to us first and then we read to Year 5.  Thank you Year 5, we had lots of fun. #WorldBookWeek

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Year 4 visit from Barrow Raiders

Image of Year 4 visit from Barrow Raiders

Year 4 loved their afternoon with Barrow Raiders players today. The 3 new team members from Papua New Guinea taught the children about life in Papua New Guinea and played rugby games with them on the field. An amazing afternoon - thank you Star, Willi, Watts and Shona.


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Year 1 Piglet visit February 2019

Image of Year 1 Piglet visit February 2019

Year 1 went to see the piglet that Mrs Biddle kindly brought in.  He was so cute.  We asked lots of questions and even heard him make his baby pig noises.

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Year 1 reading reports to Year 4

Image of Year 1 reading reports to Year 4

Year 1 wrote to ask Year 4 if they could read their reports On The Great Fire of London to them. they said YES!.  We were really excited to do this.  Thank you Year 4.

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Year 1 Science materials 2019

Image of Year 1 Science materials 2019

Year 1 had some outdoor learning in their science lesson learning about materials.  We used the story The Three Little Pigs and tried to build a straw house, wooden house and a brick house.  We enjoyed this lots and told the story after we made them.  Luckily there was no Big Bad…

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Investigating Friction

Image of Investigating Friction

We have been investigating friction by sending cars down ramps with different surfaces. 

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Image of Gus

We had a little visitor today. Mrs Wright's new puppy Gus came in to see us. He is gorgeous and we want him as a class pet! 

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