Protractor work

Image of Protractor work

We have been using protractors to measure angles 

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Words for Wilbur

Image of Words for Wilbur

We thought of words to describe Wilbur from Charlotte's Web. Then we designed webs containing the words.

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Image of Protractors

Lots of focus learning to use protractors 

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Investigating the surface of Mars

Image of Investigating the surface of Mars

We have been investigating meteorites and how they have formed the surface of Mars.

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Sankey poems

Image of Sankey poems

We have been using text to create poems today.  Please see the pictures of the fun, creativity and mess we have made. 

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Making the solar system

Image of Making the solar system

We have been learning about the solar system and creating posters about the planets 

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Image of Protests

Today we have been discussing protests and thinking about what matters to us. The children are researching and designing their own protests. 

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Sankey poems session 1

Image of Sankey poems session 1

We are working with local poet Kate Smith and Charlotte from the Sankey project. We have done some automatic writing and are working on a poem together. 

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Image of Wordsworth
We worked with Carol Lewthwaite from CDEC (Cumbria Development Education Centre) to learn about  Wordsworth’s legacy as one of the first conservationists as well as poet and influencer. 
By producing an illustrated timeline from his day - present day we  explored the social and human…
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Image of Birdsong


We have been listening to bird song on the school field and trying to identify the different birds. It was a lovely few minutes of nature and mindfulness 

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Sankey project session 3

Image of Sankey project session 3

We are working on our animations with the Sankey project adding colour tinting and movement. 

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Image of Meditation

We began the day with some relaxing and meditation for mental health week. 

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