Wordworth Timeline

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A mysterious map

Image of A mysterious map

We found a mysterious, old map. We are going to use it to write a story. 

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Image of Prints

Our prints worked and look great. 

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Printing patterns

Image of Printing patterns

We have taken inspiration from Anglo Saxon art to make some patterns for patterns

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Islamic art

Image of Islamic art

Creating geometric patterns based on Islamic art. 

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Islamic art

Image of Islamic art

Creating geometric patterns based on Islamic art. 

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Investigating measures

Image of Investigating measures

We have been investigating mass, capacity and length 

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Time zones

Image of Time zones

Investigating time zones. Combining science, geography and maths. 

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Sorting shapes

Image of Sorting shapes

We have been sorting regular and irregular 2D shapes. 

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Image of Shadows

We are monitoring our shadows over the day to see how far and fast the Earth moves around the Sun. 

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Making predictions

Image of Making predictions

Looking at clues to try and work out what our new book is about. 

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Learning a Dance

Image of Learning a Dance

We are learning some dances with Miss Harrison.


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