Investigating Circuits
We tried to work out how to light a bulb! We used wires cells and bulbs and worked out what we needed to do to light up the bulbs. Then we added more cells and made the bulbs brighter.
Year 6 Dance
Year 6 had enjoyed themselves today learning Morris Dancing. The all worked together.
Reception Learning
Reception have had a busy week. We have been learning the 'ee' digraph in phonics, writing instructions in literacy, measuring heavy and light objects in maths and developing our balance, flexibility and core strength in gymnastics ❤ They will sleep tonight!
Air resistance
We have been making parachutes from different materials to test air resistance.
Reception learning together ❤️
Mrs Redhead enjoyed working with reception this afternoon and seeing how well they learn and work together.
Celebration assembly
A wonderful celebration of our great start to 2023! Well done Team Roose
Shang dynasty first lesson
This afternoon we have started to learn about the Shang Dynasty in Ancient China. We discussed artefacts which had been found and what they might tell us about the time period.
Investigating Area
We started learning about area today. We investigated how many different shapes we could make with the same area.
Gears, levers and pulleys
Today we have been investigating gears, levers and pulleys.