14 February 2023

Rehearsals day 1

We have started rehearsals for A Midsummer Night’s dream. 

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14 February 2023

Lines of symmetry

The children enjoyed using mirrors in todays maths session to see if there were any vertical, horizontal it diagonal lines of symmetry. Super work! 

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13 February 2023

Marvellous Maths

We have working collaboratively to learn about place value! We really enjoy learning from one another and listening to our friends. 

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13 February 2023

Safer Internet Day

We are so grateful to Year 5 for coming to talk to us about how we can be safe on the Internet!

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13 February 2023

Mrs Carter came to listen to us read…

We were so happy to have Mrs Carter come to our class on SCARF day to listen to us read. 

This week, we had not only Mrs Carter but also Year 5 students as well as a parent visit to read with us. We love showing off our readings skills to our Roose Community! 

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13 February 2023

Kings and Queens

We have been learning all about Kings and Queens and the role they played in society. We decided to ‘act out’ the role in our classroom and make some laws for our classroom. We had so much fun! 

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13 February 2023

Parachute Games

We played games using the parachute in PE today. Sharks and lifeguards was great fun!

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13 February 2023

Mrs Redhead's blog

Happy Valentine's Day to all our Roose Families! Love is in the air at Roose today with lots of the children being extra kind and caring to their friends to celebrate Valentine's Day! It is the final week of our value 'Care' and they have really enjoyed our interactive display this half term where…

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13 February 2023

Homophones -Year 2

We have been looking at homophones and their different spellings in our spelling lessons. The children were looking closely at the following in this session. - to, too, two - see, sea -here, hear - won, one - flower, flour - quiet, quite - no, know Complete the homophone challenge at home! Can you…

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10 February 2023

Flash Mob!

To celebrate Children’s Mental Health week year 4 performed a Flash Mob! The theme of Children’s Mental Health week this year is Let’s Connect so this was a fantastic opportunity for key stage 2 to connect and work together

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9 February 2023

Tag Ruby

Year 6 enjoyed tag rugby on the field today. It was such a lovely day and they enjoyed doing PE outside for the first time this year.

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9 February 2023

Eco Workshop Year 3

Year 3 learned a lot today from our visitors. We learned about biodiversity and how much of our flora and fauna has been lost in such a short period of time. We made seed bombs and were given some seeds to plant around school. We can wait to see if they flower in a few months. 

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