Year 1 Week 3

Image of Year 1 Week 3

An action packed week for Year 1 from adjectives to human features we have had a brilliant time! 

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Reading Buddies

Image of Reading Buddies

Reception enjoyed listening to stories read by Year 5 pupils.

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Year 6 STEM activity morning

Image of Year 6 STEM activity morning

Year 6 had a brilliant morning at Furness Academy taking part in a STEM transition day. 

We built gliders in teams and tested them so we could make any necessary adjustments before the final flight.

We really enjoyed challenging ourselves and proudly won the prize for the glider flown theā€¦

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Year 3 karate

Image of Year 3 karate

Year 3 enjoying karate with Natalie this week. 

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The walrus and the carpenter

Image of The walrus and the carpenter

We have been studying The Walrus and The Carpenter by Lewis Carroll. Today we interviewed the three main characters. 

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Skara Brae

Image of Skara Brae

Today we have been investigating the Neolithic village of Skara Brae and built our own versions. We are all wondering what house 7 was used for and why it only locked from the outside ……


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Nekton mission

Image of Nekton mission

Today we took part in an online lesson with the Nekton project where we connected with a team in the Indian Ocean to find out how submarines work. 

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Dribbling and Dodging

Image of Dribbling and Dodging

We improved our dribbling skills. We talked about using both sides of our feet and keeping the ball close. Then we played triangle tig and worked in groups to defend our friends.

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Image of Violins

We learnt how to put our violin on our shoulder and how to do a bowing action with our arm.

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Year 1

Image of Year 1

Year 1 have had an action packed 2 weeks at school!


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Reception Settling In

Image of Reception Settling In

Reception are settling in wonderfully and making lots of new friends!

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Image of Romans

Year 3 have been learning about what life was like for a Roman soldier in the north of England. We have learned about the tortoise manoeuvre and some simple Roman commands. 

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