Yoga with Joanna
Year 6 enjoyed yoga this afternoon especially the Yoga Slide. Thank you to Joanna Mason for making them feel so calm and relaxed.
Theseus and the Minotaur
We read the first part of the Greek Myth Theseus and the Minotaur. Then we did some role play. The hero Theseus bravely stepped forward to enter the labyrinth whilst the others were scared.
Year 2 - Talk for Writing
We are looking at adventure stories in year 2 this week and the book we are exploring is ‘The tale of Peter Rabbit’ by Beatrix Potter. The children enjoyed listening to the story and learning lots of new vocabulary for our working wall! The children then worked in groups to act out parts of the…
Dove Cottage and Blackwell
More photos from our visit to Dove Cottage and Blackwell today
An amazing day at Dove Cottage and Blackwell Arts and Crafts house.
Wheelchair Basketball year 4
We had a great time playing wheelchair basketball.
Y2 - Wheelchair basketball
What an exciting PE session today! The children loved using the wheelchairs and showed great determination and teamwork!
Year 2 - colour mixing
Year 2 enjoyed learning about a new artist in Art this week. Mrs B is introducing them to Lowry and his work. They looked at some of his famous paintings and then they mixed colours and and explored using white and black to tint and shade their colours! Great work Year 2
Gymnastics Competition
A huge well done to our year 4 gymnasts who performed amazingly today at Dowdales.
Reception Wheelchair Basketball
Reception enjoyed wheelchair basketball.