Outdoor rehearsal
Fabulous drama queens rehearsing A Midsummer Night’s Dream. We are really looking forward to performing next week.
Wonderful Water
We investigated changing the state of water. We looked at water vapour and condensation by boiling a kettle and holding a metal tray above it. We discovered that ice melts quicker if it has salt on it. We put warm water in a bowl, covered it in cling film and put some ice on top to see evaporation…
Welcome Minnie!
We have an addition to our Year 1 family…9 week old Minnie.
Growing and Changing -Year 6
Year 6 were brilliant today during our Growing and Changing talk from the school nurse. Their concentration and listening skills were great.
A brilliant afternoon at Furness Academy. Year 5 were amazing as always
Northern Ballet Workshop
Year 3 enjoyed the ballet workshop last week. They explored the ugly duckling and moving over, under and round and creating their own performance.
Litter pick
Year 5 and 6 gardeners had fun doing a litter pick around school grounds.