Measuring gravity
We have been exploring gravity today and measuring the weight and mass of different objects.
Life bus year 5
Great time with our life bus session. Learning how to keep our minds and bodies healthy.
Investigating Pitch
We used different musical instruments to investigate high and low sounds. We made pan pipes using straws.
Manchester Bee 24
Really interesting visit and workshop at The Manchester Bee. Thank you to the police for talking to year 5 and 6.
Leon and the Place Between
A circus came to year 4 this morning. We had candy floss and popcorn and a magician called Abdul Kazam showed us some magic tricks.
Year 4 Dodgeball Competition
Well done to the year 4 children who took part in the dodgeball competition at Furness Academy. Amazing skills on show and outstanding enthusiasm.
Geography Comparing Temperatures
We drew bar charts ti compare temperatures in Barrow and Athens
Investigating Area
We used post it notes to create rectifier shapes with an area of 4 squares.
Visit to Dock Museum
What a brilliant time we have had at the Dock Museum. Thanks to Becca for organising the visit for us. We loved the new exhibits.