Year 5 / 6 Athletics Event
The Year 5 and 6 children had fun and worked hard at the athletics event at Furness Academy. Their behaviour was impeccable. Such a credit to Roose School.
Anglo Saxon artefacts
So much fun and so interesting looking at Anglo Saxon artefacts and researching what they may have been made from and used for.
No Pens Day String Telephones
We made string telephones and then took them into the playground to test them. We were amazed that the actually worked!
Year 5 Dodgeball
Super teamwork and effort was on display at the Year 5 Dodgeball competition at Furness Academy last night. Well done everyone.
No pens day
No pens day has been lots of fun. We have made angels for the Christmas tree, shields for our Anglo Saxon assembly, Anglo Saxon villages, played Chinese whispers and had some good discussions.
Sports Hall Athletics
We had a super afternoon at Furness Academy for the Sports Hall Athletics competition.