Great Tower 2024

Image of Great Tower 2024

Year 4 had an amazing time at Great Tower. The first job was making the beds

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3D art adding colours

Image of 3D art adding colours

We have been adding analogous colours to our bowls 

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Exploring the colours in white light

Image of Exploring the colours in white light

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Father's Day 2024

Image of Father's Day 2024

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Year 6 Orienteering 2024

Image of Year 6 Orienteering 2024

Well done to our fabulous Year 6 orienteerers. We all had a fabulous day in Barrow Park completing the different courses.


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Rounders match

Image of Rounders match

Lots of fun playing rounders today. 

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Creating the solar system

Image of Creating the solar system

Today we have been learning about the solar system and created our own. 


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Paper mache session 1

Image of Paper mache session 1

We have begun work on our paper mache masterpieces using an armature to give the shape.

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Smoothie bike

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Digestive Process

Image of Digestive Process

We recreated the digestive process in Science today. We tore bread into small pieces (like incisors biting), added saliva (water) and mashed it all up with a fork (molars chewing and grinding).

We then transferred it to a plastic bag (stomach) and added digestive acid (orange juice) and enzymes…

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Computer programming lesson 1

Image of Computer programming lesson 1

We have started a new computing topic and are exploring programming and quizzes.

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Anne Frank workshop- Day 2

Image of Anne Frank workshop- Day 2

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