Shakespeare Superstars
I am so very, very proud of my little thespians who were amazing performing Twelfth Night at Forum 28 last night. You were so funny and have worked so hard since September.
Well done
from Miss Stevens
Junior Whistlers
Year 5 are spending the day with Dean and Steve from Junior Whistlers. We are learning about team building and fair play.
Welcome back :)
We hope you all have had a lovely half term holiday, we are loooking forward to seeing all the children again, we have lots of fun things planned starting with a visit from the Firemen on Monday morning to talk about firework/bonfire safety and a Diwali workshop on Tuesday.
See you on Monday…
Happy half term
We have had a wonderful final week in Nursery at our ugly bug ball, Nursery children enjoyed dressing up as bugs, seeing the mini beasts from 'Little Beasties in Ulverston', completing our sponsored letters and sounds hunt on the field, and a surprise fairy tea party by the pond.
Have a lovely…
Tuesday 22nd October
The firemen didn't manage to get to Nursery today due to an emergency, we are looking forward to them hopefully coming again another day,
We did however have fun on a letters and sounds hunt on the field-a aeroplane dropped some letters by accident all over the field the pilot phoned Roose…
Ugly Bug ball week
This week is Nurserys Ugly Bug Ball children in Nursery can come in dressed up as bugs :)
we have also got our Letters and Sounds hunt and A visit from the firemen and Little Beasties are coming in with some insects! A fun exciting week :)
Cast workshop at the Forum
Actors in action! A fab day at the cast workshop of Twelfth Night at Forum 28. Everyone worked really hard and joined in with all the activities.