Year 6 biography writing.

Image of Year 6 biography writing.

Year 6 have been learning about autobiographies and biographies this week.  We planned interview questions and carried out interviews of a friend in the class in order to help us to write their biography. Year 6 have worked really hard and produced some excellent biographies.  Well done! You have…

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Karate in action!

Image of Karate in action!

Year 6 experienced their first karate lesson with Natalie Shields on Wednesday. Everyone enjoyed the lesson and they can't wait for next week.  

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Welcome to our new class!

It has been a very exciting week in Reception this week.  Our new children have been making new friends and exploring their new classroom. Today they had their very first PE lesson and everyone managed to get changed and back again with very little help.  Well done Reception Class! We are all…

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Welcome Back!

Image of Welcome Back!


Welcome back we are looking forward to a fun filled year, with lots of exciting activities, visits and visitors.

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