22 January 2014


Year 1 have been learning about traditional tales, this is our performance of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. 

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22 January 2014


Year 1 have been working hard with money problems this week, keep up the fantastic work!

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17 January 2014

Welly Friday

We have enjoyed working outside even in the rain!!!!!!  We have investigated materials and played lots of material games.

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15 January 2014


Year 5 have just started a 10 week karate course with Miss Shields.


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15 January 2014

Solid or liquid?

We have been investigating solids and liquids using things found in the staff room cupboard and trying to decide if it is solid or liquid. Jam caused a bit of a dilemma!

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13 January 2014

Dancing the afternoon away!

Year 3 are getting to grips with some dancing ahead of our Dance Festival in March!

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9 January 2014

The Good Samaritan

This morning we have listened to the Good Samaritan story.  We have written about a time when we helped someone.  One child helped another when there was an accident.  Another child helped her cat go outside when he was stuck.

Well done Year 2!

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8 January 2014

Kung Fu Year 4

Well done Year 4 for passing your orange belts last term. This will be very useful now we are reading The Outlaw Varjak Paw, the Kung Fu cat!

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7 January 2014

Back to school!

Year 2 have been talking about their Christmas holidays.  We had lots of fun!  Some people went out for lunch while others played with their presents.  Mrs Bell climbed 7 mountains in the pouring rain and howling wind!!!!!!

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7 January 2014

Happy New Year

Welcome back Year 4 and a very Happy New Year to you and all your family!

Miss Stevens x

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6 January 2014

Welcome back

we have lots of exctiing things planned this term, linked to the topic of transport :) 

we can not wait to hear all your stories of christmas :) 

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