Space and our solar system
We used items from the P.E. cupboard to make our solar system. Can you spot Saturn?
Inside Out
Inside Out visit us on a Friday afternoon to help us develop our football skills. We always have lots of fun!
Book hospital!
Some of year 5 gave up their lunchtime to set up a book hospital. Mrs Johnson asked them to search the shelves for ripped books and they spent a whole lunchtime repairing them. They even designed a new front cover for one!
We have listened to lots of poems and have put new words in one of them. Here is an example:
There was an old man of Spain,
Who loved to dance in the rain.
He got in a muddle,
Fell in a puddle,
And never went there again!
Roald Dahl Day- Friday 27th September 2013
Yet more Roald Dahl char acters in Year 6. Meet Matilda and Mrs Twit!
Roald Dahl Day- Friday 27th September 2013
Yet another 'Umpa Lumpa' in Year 6. Who can this be?
Roald Dahl Day- Friday 27th September 2013
We had our very own 'Umpa Lumpas' in Year 6. Well done Lewis. Super effort.
This is our fantastic Literacy display, look at all the different vegetables Oliver ate.
This week in Numeracy we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
Geography - our journey to school.
We have drawn our journey from home to school in pictures. We have found out who lives the nearest and furthest away from school. We have talked about the variety of buildings we go past.